our purpose
our mission is your mission
Our mission is to provide our guests with opportunities to grow financially wealthy while offering a personal development platform.  There is a lot of information out there and numerous people trying to forcefully sell you this magic and that. potion    Having specialized in sales and training for over 20 years, both in the real estate and the financial services industry, believe me, I have seen a lot.   We are all seeking opportunity in some way or another however, what we do here is provide you with a sense of community with valuable suggestions. There are no heavy sales here, just information for you to consider and apply.  As well as suggested events that will help to guide you on the path of your interests. We provide you with the tools you may feel you need along the way of your personal development.

To be perfectly blunt here, let’s face it, no one ever got rich doing nothing.  Listening to inspirational audios all day or reading books and purchasing courses won’t do a darn thing for you if you don’t apply any of it.  You need to get out there, meet people, increase your knowledge and develop relationships so that you'll form business partnerships, alliances, and support around you.   We simply offer some guidance and a sense of direction to help you get to where you are going.
  1. Managing Director
  2. Managing Director
  3. Managing Director
  4. Managing Director
  5. Managing Director
  6. Managing Director
  7. Managing Director
  8. Managing Director
78% of Americans live paycheck – to – paycheck
My dearest friends;

Like many of you, I didn't have a healthy relationship with money, I believed it was a bad thing and that it turns people into greedy swelled heads.  I finally gave myself permission to accept that money is not a dirty word and it's not the enemy.    Money is simply currency,  It's a tangible exchange for something we desire.  That desire can lead to a gift of love,  a vacation for your soul or an instrument for your passion.  Don't deny yourself pleasures and opportunities that financial wealth gives you, and to your family.  After all, how can you provide for others without it?  Even Mother Teresa needed financing for her selfless endeavors.  She made a difference in our world, didn't she?

Don't be afraid to take the steps to have a better, healthier, more fulfilling life.  Change your paradigm and become the new you.  Even Wallace Wattles himself; Author of  The Science of Getting Rich,  tells us that it's our responsibility to use the gifts we've been given to make the most out of our life.  Be confident and give yourself permission to attract money towards you to have that fulfilling life you deserve. 

Learn, Grow and Interact with us.  Together we'll make it happen!

Avg. American watches TV for 4.5 hrs/day, plus social media
Avg. American family owes $225,238 in total debt
With Great Passion and love,

Homeownership is at its lowest rate since 1970s (and declining)
  • ​​
    Did You Know…

    Top 5% control over 95% of the world’s wealth

  • Bottom 50% (working folks) control only 1.1% of US wealth

  • The “Middle Class” is in a Financial Death Spiral

There are many factors that contribute to these statistics. However, do you deserve to live in this state of mind?  No one does, and no one has to. The same opportunities that have always been available to Americans are still there. Doesn’t matter how old you are, what's your ethnicity nor gender. What matters is your state of mind and how much you want to make this change in your life. "

You may well be making the biggest decision of your life.  It’s time to change your way of thinking, to change your environment. If you long for that stress-free feeling of freedom then do something about it!   As the NIKE Company likes to say;  " Just do it!"

Our purpose
Together we make it happen!